Our Discography

A collection of all the covers we've released to date! Here you will find lyrics, art work, acapella files, vocal guides, credits, and more!

Our Cast

Learn more about our groups, 9 Mermaids (Aqours) and Snow Sirens (Saint Snow), and the incredibly talented vocalists representing each of the Love Live Sunshine Girls!

9 Mermaids Presents:
Love Live World Wide

A community cover event to celebrate the love for the Love Live Franchise from all around the world!

The Core Crew

The amazing group of staff members responsible for the art,- mix,- animation,- and arrangement work for the majority of our recent and upcoming covers!

Community Covers

Perfect Dream Project is a love live initiative uniting solo idols from all over the world. We want to create something similar with our community covers!

Community Covers

Community Covers

In 2020 we introduced a new concept to our channel: Community Covers!
Taking on the songs originally performed by the PDP idols, each cover will feature a brand new cast of talented singers from within the community! And who knows, some familiar faces may even make an appearance~
The casting process for our first community cover was a great success and after carefully going through over 200 auditions we were able to cast 10 wonderful vocalists. Together with the crew they worked really hard to bring you their beautiful version of Tokimeki Runners, which is up on our channel now!As of right now, the production for our second community cover has begun, and scheduled for release in early 2022! Please look forward to our Tenor cover of Just Believe!!Want to feature in a future community cover? Be sure to join our discord server to be among the first to know when we're hosting auditions! You can also follow us on twitter @the9mermaids for any important updates.

Tokimeki Runners

The first cover in our community cover series. We're incredibly grateful for everyone who auditioned and everyone who helped us work towards the release of this beautiful tribute!Thank you Similar Outskirts, MARiNAQUA and Buse for your amazing work on the mix, vocal arrangement and animation!


Just Believe

With our first community cover finished and released, we're excited to get started on the second edition!After receiving many questions regarding the possibilities of a cover for lower-range singers, we're pleased to announce that the production of our first tenor cover has begun! After a successful audition process we were able to form a cast of 10 talented vocalists, including 9M mixer Kayo, 9M artist Nemi and ex-Mermaid Sky!

9 Mermaids

Hikari Kira

Role: Chika Takami
Position: Vocalist
Debut: Future Ticket (2018)
Birthday: September 30

Seilin Kim

Role: You Watanabe
Position: Vocalist, Vocal Arranger
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Birthday: September 12


Role: Riko Sakurauchi
Position: Vocalist, Animator
Debut: Guilty Kiss, Guilty Night (2017)
Birthday: October 5


Role: Hanamaru Kunikida
Position: Vocalist, Artist
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Birthday: May 27


Role: Ruby Kurosawa
Position: Vocalist
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Birthday: November 1


Role: Yoshiko Tsushima
Position: Vocalist
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Birthday: December 30

Denise Joan

Role: Dia Kurosawa
Position: Vocalist
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Birthday: April 11


Role: Kanan Matsuura
Position: Vocalist, Vocal Arranger
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Birthday: March 2


Role: Mari Ohara
Position: Vocalist, Vocal Arranger
Debut: Guilty Eyes Fever (2017)
Birthday: June 19

snow sirens


Role: Leah Kazuno
Position: Vocalist
Debut: Karate (2019)
Birthday: November 6


Role: Sarah Kazuno
Position: Vocalist, Vocal Arranger
Debut: Karate (2019)
Birthday: February 26

Retired Cast Members


Role: Chika Takami
Position: Director, Lyricist.
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Final Song: Sky Journey (2018)


Role: Mari Ohara
Debut: Original Cast Intro (2017)
Final Song: Wonderful Rush (2017)

Love Live World Wide

In 2017 and 2018, to celebrate the creativity and talent of our community, we hosted the Mermaid Cover Festa! In 2021 We introduced a new festival with the same goal, and we were blown away by the overwhelming passion and talent showcased in the entries, as well as the heartwarming response and support from the live audience and everyone involved. That is why we are beyond excited to invite you all to the 2023 edition of **Love Live World Wide! **(#9MLLWW)

What is LLWW?

With 9Mermaids our goal has always been to share our love for Aqours and to pay tribute to them by translating their songs into English and sharing them with the world. During LLWW we would like to invite our community and all love live fans to do the same!LLWW will showcase Love Live covers in all languages, pushing language barriers aside and uniting all of us through our shared love for the franchise!

How to join

To join LLWW you will have to create a Love Live cover within a set timeframe, and submit it to youtube with #9MLLWW in front of the video title. To confirm your entry, you must upload it (marked as unlisted) before the deadline of December 13th, and submit it through the form we will release. We will showcase all your entries in a playlist on our channel, and we will host a stream to celebrate and watch all the entries!

But what if I can't write lyrics?

Don't worry! If you're unable to write your own lyrics, you can always sing the original Japanese lyrics for your cover! And if you'd rather not sing in Japanese, you can also use our English Lyrics. For this event, we're also partnering with fellow lyricist Mathew from Sepia Days Music, who has given participants permission to use his Love Live lyrics for their LLWW entries.If you're a lyricist and you're okay with people using your work for the event, please make yourself known on Discord, in the LLWW channel! We will confirm and add you to a resource list for participants to find your work.Please make sure to credit Lyricists for their work, and not to monetize videos using lyrics written by 9M, Mathew, or any community lyricist respectively.

Rules and Guidelines

We have a couple guidelines and limitations to keep in mind.- One entry per Youtube Channel. (Please don't make additional channels as a loophole)
- Entries must be uploaded as "Unlisted", so we can all watch them together for the first time during the watch party. After the official watch party, videos can be set to public!
- Entry titles must have #9MLLWW in the beginning of the title. It's also helpful to include the language in the title. For example: #9MLLWW Act Name - Daydream Warrior (English Cover)
- Entries must have a 20 second long end-screen at the end of their video, where the official playlist can be linked. You're free to format the end screen however you like.
- You can participate in a total of 3 different entries (as vocalist and/or as staff). Please don't overwork yourselves!
- You can't submit a cover that has been published before! A new cover has to be created. It's okay to (re)use lyrics that you've written before.
- Don't rush! The submission form will be released on November 14th, but you have until February 20th to upload.
- This is a Love Live event, so Love Live songs only! µ's, Aqours, PDP, Liella, Sub-Units, Rival Groups... All ok! As long as it's been released in single format or on an album from the Love Live franchise.
- To ensure a spot in the playlist, please upload and submit your entry before the deadline through the form we will release on November 14th.
- Original art and Complex videos are encouraged, but not required! As long as you can provide a simple visual to accompany your cover, you can join. Using Love Live Sprites is okay!
- Your entry can be a short, medium or full sized song, with a max length of 5 minutes per act.
- Be sure to credit all staff and sources, and don't use anyone's work without permission!
- If you are unsure about something, please reach out to us on Discord. There will be an official LLWW chat for you to use!

Final NOTE

Due to the success of last year's edition, some changes have been made to the format of the stream portion of the event, to ensure and protect the quality and the duration of the stream. We have decided to split the Festival into TWO streams.The LLWW Festival, taking place on Sunday February 26th (7PM Amsterdam Time), where we kick off the event with our cast members, watching a selection of entries together, featuring a selection of participants invited to join us on stream to talk about their entry and their creative process!And, directly after the Festival Stream; The LLWW Watch Party! Where we watch all of the entries together in one sitting (with a few scheduled snack and bathroom breaks).We can't wait to watch and celebrate everyone's beautiful entries together!

For the latest updates...

Please follow us on twitter and join our Discord Server!

meet The Core Crew


similar outskirts


Active since 2017



ASHY // Pearyoghurt


Active since 2017




Active since 2021


We're still working on completing this archive. If your favorite song isn't on the list yet, please be patient. We're working hard to add it as soon as possible!

Tokimeki Runners Community Cover
A letter from the Cast

Never give up! Even if there are times when you feel like you'll never get to where you want to go, it's important to keep pushing on and improving yourself. This was my second time auditioning for 9 Mermaids, and that I tried once before made this opportunity feel even more rewarding. It's been every bit as amazing as expected singing with the other people who are here to chase their dreams. I'm going to continue to do my best going forward, and I know you can too!

~ AZIA, Ayumu

Take every opportunity to push forward and do what you love!! Singing has always been a small hobby of mine until I decided to step out of my comfort zone and join communities like this! I don’t have a lot of confidence in my voice, but being able to do collabs and see hard work come to life in the final result helps me grow so much! I took a chance to be part of something magical, and I’m so thankful I did!<3

~ arimisu, Emma

if you see an opportunity of a dream that feels out of your grasp, don't be afraid and reach for it anyway. never underestimate yourself and keep pushing forward until you make your dreams come true <3

~ evava, Kanata

Thanks to everyone's support, something as amazing as this is able to happen. It makes me excited to keep improving and growing to reach for beyond what I thought I was capable of, as well as continuing to meet so many amazing people chasing their own dreams, with all of you along for the ride!

~ eggu, Shizuku

Even if you feel like you may not be good enough for something, keep persisting and climbing, and go for it! Without growth and determination, your journey will just halt. If you feel nervous to do something purely because it seems too difficult to reach, push through that anxiety and go for your goal, no matter how hard it may seem to reach!

~ unicornkara, Setsuna

Always push for your dreams. I never would've imagined being able to collab with 9 mermaids having been a fan for so long, but once my dearest friends pushed me to auditions it was the happiest time of my life when i received a message saying i had gotten the part! Continue to push yourself and you will get to accomplish so many things one day no matter how bleak the road looks

~ Bobaseabunny, Ai

Don’t give up on your passions and interests even if there are people who might want to bring you down. Push on forward and make those connections to do what you want to do. Fight that anxiety or depression and build up the courage to shine like a star and show yourself off, like the unique kind of person you are!!!

~ Valeruni, Karin

Never stop learning and never stop growing. No matter how far you've come, you can always go further. Keep yourself open to new ways of doing things, and when things don't go as planned, look at them as opportunities to learn rather than road blocks that you let stop you.

~ MeyKiyoko, Rina

Always aim for higher once you’ve reached a certain level of your journey!! And also go with your gut and try something once your interested!I’d never thought I’d be apart of this kind off group really!! I just so happen to pass upon the casting call page on the site and audition for characters I’d think my voice fit for, and BOOM! I some how nailed the audition and I get to play one of the girls I kind off relate to the most!**And now I feel like this is just the beginning of my path to getting closure to my VA journey **

~ AndyAceVA, Kasumi

**There is no deadline to reach ur goals. take as long as u need and u will succeed. **

~ bblackroses, Shioriko

Tokimeki Runners
Community Cover

Size: Full
Release Date: July 12, 2021

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Jonathan Walker ❀ btown ❀ MatchaDa ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejune ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Ryo ❀

Is your heart shining bright?
(everlasting sunshine)
Kimi no kokoro wa kagayaiteru kai?

Size: Short
Release Date: June 30, 2021

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Jonathan Walker ❀ btown ❀ MatchaDa ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejune ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Ryo ❀

Is Midsummer mine or is it yours?
Manatsu wa Dare no Mono

Size: Short
Release Date: June 20, 2021

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Jonathan Walker ❀ btown ❀ MatchaDa ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejune ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Ryo ❀

Jimo Ai ♡ Mantan ☆ Summer Life
Local love-filled summer life

Size: Short
Release Date: October 2, 2020

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ banginghotline ❀ btown ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

Red Gem Wink

Size: Short
Release Date: September 21, 2020

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ banginghotline ❀ btown ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

Pianoforte Monologue

Size: Short
Release Date: September 19, 2020

Additional thanks to Similar Outskirts for helping out with the harmony arrangement!

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ banginghotline ❀ btown ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

One More Sunshine Story

Size: Short
Release Date: August 1, 2020

Additional thanks to MARiNAQUA for helping out with the harmony arrangement!

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ banginghotline ❀ btown ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

Awaken The Power

Size: Full
Release Date: July 27, 2020

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ banginghotline ❀ btown ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

In This unstable world

Size: Short
Release Date: July 13, 2020

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ btown ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

Yume de Yozora o Terashitai
Sky of Lights and Dreams

Size: Short
Release Date: July 1, 2020

Thank you, Friends

❀ Lorvahavenhunter ❀ Stuart Synott ❀ btown ❀ Trailblaiswe ❀ Zillamaster ❀ Commander JP ❀ Destoroyah ❀ Edwii123 ❀ Jejuna ❀ Kasswuit ❀ Lawrence Bowden ❀ Marz P ❀ Ryo ❀

New Winding Road

Size: Short
Release Date: June 13, 2020

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Lorvahavenhunter ✿ btown ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ Commander JP ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Kasswuit ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Ryoku ✿ Titan of Water ✿

Beginner's Sailing

Size: Short
Release Date: April 18, 2020

Additional thanks to Sky for helping out with the lyrics!

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Lorvahavenhunter ✿ btown ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ Commander JP ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Kasswuit ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Ryoku ✿ Titan of Water ✿

2 Year Anniversary Mashup

Size: Yes
Release Date: March 30, 2019

First Half (Thank You Friends)

Second Half (Water Blue New World)

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Rose Ohara ✿ Luke ✿ Marz P ✿ Lunarveil ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Ayuelia De La Patate ✿ btown ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿Trailblaiswe ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Ryoku ✿

Goodnight to everyone

Size: Short
Release Date: May 27, 2019

Additional thanks to MARiNAQUA for helping out with the harmonies, and to Sky for helping out with the lyrics!

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Rose Ohara ✿ Luke ✿ Marz P ✿ Lunarveil ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Ayuelia De La Patate ✿ btown ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Ryoku ✿

Sakana ka nada ka?
Like a fish

Size: Short
Release Date: February 10, 2019

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Lunarveil ✿ Marz P ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ btown ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Ayuelia de la Patate ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Ryoku ✿

White First Love

Size: Short
Release Date: January 1, 2019

Additional thanks to Sky for helping out with the harmonies!

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Lunarveil ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ KAiARI ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿Marz P ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Blyssi ✿ Ryoku ✿

STEP! Zero to One

Size: Semi
Release Date: December 25, 2018

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Lunarveil ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ KAiARI ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Marz P ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Blyssi ✿ Ryoku ✿

Baby Metal Cover

Size: Semi
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Hugs ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ KAiARI ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Marz P ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Blyssi ✿ Ryoku ✿

Sunshine PIka Pika Ondo

Size: Semi
Release Date: October 1, 2018

Special thanks to the Snow Sirens Callback Candidates Nappi, Luci, Hayley, Miyukii and Roxy for their "Ahhhh- Hey!" chants~

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Hugs ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ KAiARI ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Marz P ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Blyssi ✿ Ryoku ✿

Kore Kara
From here onwards

Size: Semi
Release Date: August 13, 2018

Thank you, Friends

✿ Stuart Synnott ✿ Zillamaster ✿ Sean Monson ✿ Hugs ✿ TitanOfWater ✿ Matt Thomas ✿ Jade Zhao ✿ KAiARI ✿ Trailblaiswe ✿ Marz P ✿ Kelvin Khout ✿ TheYuanxian ✿ Ethan Price ✿ Edwii123 ✿ Oscarnaut ✿ Jejune ✿ Destoroyah ✿ Blyssi ✿ Ryoku ✿

Kore Kara
From here onwards

Kore Kara
From here onwards

Another day I’m waiting for you
Again I stay here waiting for you
We didn’t say we would, but I dream,
somewhere you’ll wait for me too
It seems like waiting’s all that I do
Today, again it’s all that I do
Will you appear and smile when you see,
That I have always been true
As we are waiting for a new day to arrive
We’re losing sight of all the chances of today
Slipping away, time is passing by,
So right now
Stay by my side
Feel the seasons as they change,
they come and go,
Not a day will be the same
It is the way of our lives,
But way down deep inside
I’m afraid,
‘cause the weight of time has made me lonely
Your emotions and your goals,
To reach your dream,
I wonder how far will you go?
The day we met, you and I,
We let our futures intertwine
That is why we decided to stay together
Ah memories, bittersweet,
Are a treasure to me

Is Midsummer Mine or is it yours?

I’m dancing in a dress that’s red just like the setting sun
Did you really look at me or is it just a dream?
I should really look away, but I can’t avert my gaze
Ah, I long for this heat so passionately
An exciting rhythm is not enough, ‘cause tonight I’m longing for more
Though I speak softly, my words are strong,
feeling bolder than ever before
Even though these feelings belong to me,
I’m filled with uncertainty (That’s fine because)
A heart in love is a heart that’s lost (so very lost)
It can’t be controlled or contained
(and that’s love’s way)
A voice speaking clearly, Awakens inside me
It’s a little embarrassing, I know
But I want to know more,
But I want to know more
It might be wrong, but still I long for this forbidden dream
I’m dancing in a dress that’s red just like the setting sun
(setting sun)
Did you really look at me or is it just a dream?
(just a dream)
I should really look away, but I can’t avert my gaze
Is midsummer mine or is it yours?
Maybe we can split it evenly, just you and me
(Share with me~)
Share this season together, living passionately
You’ve unlocked the door that’s kept me safe so far
So I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine,
You knock knock my heart!

Tokimeki Runners

To be alive is like a gift to me
So I’ll unwrap each new day carefully
When you do, you’ll find, the world,
it keeps changing all the time!
You can’t just wait around, get on your feet
and move your body to the beat
We could be doing anything, so take your pick,
your goals are within your reach
Even if it’s just a dream,
this dream could be our new reality
I can’t help but smile as I’m wondering
Can we chase our dreams tonight?
We can, if we decide
I feel my courage welling up inside!
We will be the authors of our story
Writing about all the things we wanna do
Isn’t it great, by chance or by fate;
a miracle, we will create!
We will be the authors of our story
Join the excitement, make your dreams come true!
If you believe, you’re sure to achieve
So shout it out, that is what life is all about
Come on and join in the fun
Come on, it's our story!
Without a doubt
Come on, and join in the fun
Inspiration hits you suddenly
You wonder “Can I do this?” certainly!
Wanna see the world? Let’s go, no reason to hesitate!
Although there’s many lessons left to learn
I’m so excited I could burst!
We’re looking for the place where we truly belong,
We’ll find it along the way
So you’ve found a dream to chase,
Have faith, and dream it while you’re wide awake!
Soon enough you will not know night from day
That is why we have to move,
we’ve got no time to lose!
Our path is clear and hope will lead the way!
We’ll be shining as we search for tomorrow
Anything we want to do, we’ll do with style
If you feel blue, hold on and pull through
I promise your wish will come true
We’ll be shining as we search for tomorrow
Let’s face the future with our brightest smile
Aim for success and give it your best
Just follow me
Running to where the road will lead
What is your destiny?
(Oh, I don’t know!)
There are no limits, we’re free to go!
Your motivation and passion are the key
Press your hand against your chest
Hear your heart, it’s beating
Feeling the love
We’ll be shining as we search for tomorrow
Anything we want to do, we’ll do with style
If you feel blue, hold on and pull through
I promise your wish will come true
We’ll be shining as we search for tomorrow
Let’s face the future with our brightest smile
Aim for success and give it your best
Just follow me, everybody
Yay!We will be the authors of our story
Writing about all the things we want to do
Isn’t it great, by chance or by fate;
a miracle, we will create!
We will be the authors of our story
Join the excitement, make your dreams come true!
If you believe, you’re sure to achieve
So shout it out, that is what life is all about
Come on and join in the fun
Come on, it's our story!
Without a doubt!
Come on, and join in the fun
Come on and join in the fun
Come on, it's our story!
Without a doubt!
Come on, and join in the fun

Kimi no Kokoro Wa Kagayaiteru Kai?

Our future’s now
Take it into your own hands somehow
Because it’s never too late
Do not be afraid
And dream with us today!
Anything goes when you’re looking for the road
That will lead to the happiness you deserve to feel
(Let’s go! Everybody alright!)
Here’s what we’ll do to make every wish come true
We’ll be working hard
You won’t find a thing we cannot do
I’m small and I am fragile
How could I ever achieve such a thing?
I don’t have a clue, I don’t have a clue tell me now!
(No fear! We’ll make it somehow!)
So, give it a go!If your heart is shining bright
With our song’s eternal light
“Is it true?” I will ask you
“Yes!” Should be your answer!
I want to do this right
Make a difference in someone’s life
I feel the warmth of the sun shining down on me
And all of our dreams
(Oh yes! Everlasting sunshine!)Achieving anything(Oh yes! Everlasting sunshine!)Our future’s now
Take it into your own hands somehow
Because it’s never too late
Do not be afraid
And dream with us today

Sunshine PIka Pika Ondo

Over here and over there and everywhere
Sunshine is surrounding us so let us have fun
Over here and over there and everywhere
Sunshine is surrounding us so let us have fun
The scent of fruit is so sweet don’t you agree?
(Ah really?)
Come over here and have a taste with me
(Come join me!)
Let’s dance with passion, let’s dance with passion
Take my hand and follow me
(Alright alright then)
The bluest ocean, will never tell a lie
(Ah really?)
Come over here and have a look with me
(Come join me!)
Let’s dance with feeling, let’s dance with feeling
I wish for everyone to join me
Though I have never ever seen this place before,
I look up to see the sky and I am sure
I relax as I take a deep breath,
take in the air that’s nice and clean, so clean,
so hey hey!
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Alright then!)
The sun will be with us forever
(Alright alright then!)
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Ah really?)
Dance in it’s light and you will shine twice as bright!
I like my sweets with a steaming cup of tea
(Ah really?)
Come over here and have a taste with me
(come join me!)
Let’s dance with passion, let’s dance with passion
Take my hand and eat with me
(Alright alright then!)
Let’s greet the forest, the mountains and the sea
Come over here and spend some time with me
Let’s dance forever, let’s dance forever,
I wish for everyone to join me!
If people clap, and clap and never ever stop,
Our strength will grow and we will reach the top
Hold my hand as we take the next step,
we’ll climb this mountain you will see, you’ll see,
so hey hey!
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Alright then!)
The sun will be with us forever
(Alright alright then!)
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Ah really!)
Dance in it’s light and you will shine twice as bright!
Tell me tell me what you like the most.
Oceans, mountains, people, everything?
(Our adventure. Our adventure.)
(Let’s sing now, let’s dance now,
let’s sing now, hey hey!)
One- two!The gentle breeze in the air makes me feel free,
(Ah really?)
Tomorrow you should come and visit me!
(come join me!)
Let’s dance forever, let’s dance forever
Where am I supposed to be?
(Alright alright then!)
The waves turn whiter to show off their strength and speed
(Ah really?)
Tomorrow you should come and visit me!
(come join me!)
Let’s dance together, let’s dance together
I wish for everyone to join me!
If you think there’s somewhere that you would rather be
Close your eyes and I will show you what it means
To let go and to have a great day,
to set your laughter free feels great, it’s great,
so hey hey!
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Alright Then!)
The sun will be with us forever
(Alright alright then!!)
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Ah really!)
Dance in it’s light and you will shine twice as bright!
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Alright then!)
The sun will be with us forever
(Alright alright then!)
Shining brightly brightly brightly everyday
(Ah really!)
Dance in it’s light and you will shine twice as bright!
If we’re together we will shine twice as bright!
That’s why our love will always shine twice as bright!
Over here and over there and everywhere
Sunshine is surrounding us so let us have fun

Sunshine pika pika ondo

If the chibis aren't moving in sync, try reloading the page!

Baby Metal Cover

Baby Metal Cover

That’s it! Tha-tha-tha-that’s it!
That’s it! Tha-tha-tha-that’s it!
Like that, la-la-la-like that!
Like that, la-la-la-la-like that!
Though tears are spilling from your eyes
Pay them no mind, confronting your life
Everybody that’s it, like that!
Don’t ever give up!
Give a little bit more, fight a little bit more!
Mind and body, together as one
Keep it coming, that’s it, like that!
Don’t ever give up!
Even if you get sad, even if you can’t stand,
Keep pushing on~
Ahh- Ossu! Ossu!
That’s it, like that! Don’t ever give up!
Mind and body, together as one
That’s it, like that! Don’t ever give up!
Mind and body, together as one
Everybody that’s it, like that!
Don’t ever give up!
Give a little bit more, fight a little bit more!
Mind and body, together as one
Keep it coming, that’s it, like that!
Don’t ever give up!
Even if you get sad, even if you can’t stand,
Keep pushing on~
Chase your goal!(that’s it, like that! Don’t ever give up!
Whoa whoa whoa)
Chase your goal!(Mind and body, together as one)Whoa-whoa-whoa!

Step! Zero to One

I was alone at first,
but now that we’re a team
Together we are brave,
we will chase our dream
(It’s time to make a change,)
Come on!
(count down from three to one)
I’m ready now so step, alright!
I know you worry a lot, so just in case you forgot;
Do not give up, as hard as it seems
Instead just give it a try, and if you fail it’s alright
One day you will succeed.
If every season’s a song, then I’ll be singing along
I’m dancing every step of the way
I may not know this tune, but if it’s leading me to you
We will be okay
You won’t have fun ‘til you learn to release
What holds you down and all your anxieties
Ah! I can’t seem to make up my mind
I will try to let go, I will try and prove that things will be fine
Today is our day!
(our day)
Today’s the day our story will change
(will change)
Even if it seems like things won’t work out, things will work out
We’ll go from zero to one, we won’t give up‘cause we are strong
(so strong)
We’re reaching for the top and we’ll fly-y
(we’ll fly-y)
And though our future’s still a mystery to me, I won’t give up on our dream.
(Zero to one, zero to one, zero to one, step!
Zero to one, step in my heart)
Are you ready? Step!
One two! (x7)
Everyone, let’s go!`
Today is our day! Today’s the day our story will change
Even if it seems like things won’t work out, things will work out
We’ll go from zero to one, we won’t give up, ‘cause we are strong
(so strong)
We’re reaching for the top and we’ll fly-y
(we’ll fly-y)
And though our future’s still a mystery to me, I won’t give up on our dream.
(I was alone at first,)
(but now that we’re a team)
(Together we are brave, )
(we will chase our dream)
It’s time to make a change,
(Come on!)
count down from three to one
(I’m ready now so step, alright!)

White First Love

I can’t help but worry my feelings
Won’t find their way to you
An ache starts to settle within
Even though I can’t tell a soul I
Promise you it’s true,
My trembling heart skipped it’s beating.
Is this how a romance begins?
I always dreamed, I knew everything
No answer seemed outside of my reach
Apparently, there are so to speak,
Exceptions to every rule
I still believe, my path I will find
It seems naive, but still I will try
Without a clue I am searching for you,
Who knew that true love could be cruel?
It would only take you one second
to tell me you care,
And another to leave me hanging in despair
All this passion is too much too bear
(and I’m scared)
I refuse to give up my feelings,
They’ll find their way to you
A wish sparked a flame deep within
Though I am afraid I will face you,
Telling you the truth
My trembling heart started racing,
This is how a romance begins
Ah~ White Love
Ah~ First Love
Ah~ Our Love
Is taking off

Sakana ka nada ka?
Like a fish

Relax your body and your mind,
Leave all your worries far behind
Let go of lurking thoughts and troubles,
It’s wishes you’ll find
Hey, look at me, my dream is to be
Just like a mermaid under the sea
I’ll relax and swim around,
Live worry free without a doubt
‘Cause after all that’s what my dream world
Is truly about
Ah, I wish that I’d, float under the sky,
Just like a fish, so free!
The movement of the waves is like
a melody to me,
My sun-kissed skin is cool as I dive down into,
a perfect harmony
Soaking up the sunlight,
I close my eyes and say;
Let all your worries wash away
How I wish how I wish how I wish
I could swim forever
Like a fish like a fish like a fish,
You and me together
Like a fish my silly dream,
Won’t be caught that easily
Dancing on the waves,
I’ll resume my chase
How I wish how I wish how I wish
I could swim forever
Like a fish like a fish like a fish,
You and me together
Hopes and dreams will guide me there,
Swimming up I gasp for air
Heading for the shore,
Tomorrow I will play some more

Good night to everone

Same as every day,
We’re laughing side by side
I believe,
Right next to you is where I’m meant to be
Thoughts of cloudy days
Begin to fill my mind
I look away and hope that you won’t see
I write down my thoughts,
But the words won’t seem to come
Tears overflow, spilling all over the page
I can’t seem to part
With this sadness in my heart
So I cry “what am I meant to do?”
Just close your eyes, don’t cry,
And put on a smile
Tomorrow is filled with excitement
and with opportunities
Sunny days await,
So don’t be afraid
Let’s wish on a star and work hard
Towards the goals we want to reach
Now rest your eyes
And have the sweetest dreams
Our lives have only just begun
“Good Night” to everyone
We’ll meet again and have more fun
“Good Night” to everyone

Anniversary Mashup (First Half)

Anniversary Mashup (Second Half)

Anniversary Mashup

songs used

| Thank you Friends | Yume de Yozora o Terashitai |
|Sora Mo Kokoro mo Hareru Kara | Tokimeki Bunruigaku |
| Pianoforte Monologue | Taiyou o Oikakero | Mirai Ticket |
| Yozora Wa Nandemo Shitteru no | Mijuku Dreamer |
| Happy Party Train |Omoi Yo Hitotsu Ni Nare |
| Mirai no Bokura wa shiterru yo | My Mai Tonight | Sky Journey |
| Kowareyasuki | Awaken The Power | Water Blue New World |
| Hand in Hand | Yuuki wa doki ni Kimi no mune ni |
| Kimi No Kokoro Wa Kagayaiteru Kai | Waku Waku Week |
| Aquarium | Daydream Warrior | Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu |


Wo-wow wo-wow~ x4So, today is the day
(It’s time for you and me)
I will aim to embrace
(Something I realized recently)
Something precious to me
(Dear beyond belief)
Within the ocean of our dreams,
just like a fish I’m swimming freely and
We believed from the start
(We’ve known it from the first day)
Dreams we’ve held in our heart
(If you’re here with me, I know I’ll be okay)
We could make them come true
(Every step of the way)
We’ve come this far, it’s all because of you
I will sing to fill your heart with joy,
till the day, my fate leaves me without a voice
I’m not giving up
If I reach for you
Will you be reaching out for me?
(Whoa-whoa overlaps)Thank you, Friends!
I’m so happy that we met, I’m so happy that we met
Glad to have you in my liife
You’re like a gift to me, a treasure I’ll be holding dear,
The bond we have will never ever disappear
(Yay!)Hey! I’m so happy that we met, I’m so happy that we met
Was it destiny or, was it a miracle?
Don’t fade away, please, even as I’m moving on
Aiming for the stars that I’ve been wishing on!
I feel like I am the only one who feels this way
But it isn’t true, because me and you,
both have feelings hidden out of sight
I will try to listen to what my heart has to say
As we try to reach, for the special dreams,
everyone must feel inside
When we get up and move ahead
(With new horizons on our mind)
Some things might cause us to fall back instead
(What can we do?)
My thoughts and fears I’ll leave behind
Because tomorrow
Will be a better day
(Background Adlibs Pianoforte Monologue)How come, when I try, to tell you what’s on my mind
I can not contain, all these emotions inside
How come, tell me why, I’m ashamed, still I try,
Though I’m embarrassed, please hear me out.
So we’ll go
to chase another dream
Don’t let your days just go to waste,
‘Cause the world is bound to change
So let’s go!
We’ll broaden our horizons as a team
And tomorrow’s still a mystery so
Tell me what the future holds
(I do miss you Ah)
Though no one ever really knows
I swear we’ll have a great time I just know it’s true
(Sharing secrets with the moon)
As long as you are here
(The Sky knows my story)
I’ll overcome every fear
I will work to reach my goal, though I am young
I am a dreamer
Surely that’s a sign!
I can not wait is it time, for our happy train to go
Can you feel our hearts beating as one
(Can you feel it? Our hearts beating as one now)
Tomorrow’s calling for you, can you hear it too?
I have been waiting for you from the start
Come on, let’s go!We will be setting sail,
Anchors away, ‘cause we will prevail!
There’s a sky so blue, smiling down on you
(Don’t give up, give it all you’ve got.
When tomorrow comes, we’re taking off!)
Fantastic Love!I want to see something exciting just for me
Like a brand new wish, that’s born within a dream
(Oh yes, everlasting sunshine!)
Things that used to worry me
Now seem so small and out of reach
People say I’ve grown now I know what it means
(Let’s go, adventures await!)
Stop it right there, even though you are scared
Gently, Memories soothe me
Open up, show your heart for only me to see
When I dream you are beside me
Follow the Rhythm, come on!Run away with me
to our destiny
Though we may not know
where the road will go
We’ll spread our wings and take a leap of faith
I will become the light,
Guiding the way, my future’s in sight
There’s a tiny spark, hidden in my heart~
If my faith is all it takes then I will be fine
The spark of courage brings me hope and maybe in time
I’ll aim to reach your heart,
the way you’re reaching for mine
Even though I may not have a clue
What lies ahead of me
I’ll find a way to reach my goals,
I refuse to let them go
Even on the rainiest of days
The sun will shine, you will see!
Keep on looking up,
Things are looking up come on, let’s go!
New World!
Now’s the time to seize the day,
On a quest to find a better place
To explore and dream forever more
That is what I’m meant to do
I believe our dreams can come true
After all, they brought me here to you
We’re connected by the same desire,
let us face it with a smile
(Hand in Hand, Whoa-Whoa)
I’ve reached my goal, not a thing left undone!
(Hand in Hand, Whoa-Whoa)
Is what I want to say, and I’ll get there someday
(Hand in Hand, Whoa-Whoa)
So many sights left for us to explore,
(Hand in Hand, Whoa-Whoa)
we will continue to grow~
Take my hand and join me, ‘cause I’ll be
Chasing a future full of dreams!

Beginner's Sailing

Promise I won’t laugh!
Show me the you that’s true to how you feel!
Though it’s hard to be yourself, promise you will try
All that’s important is you wanna be that person everyday.
All of us sailing! Beginners sailing! Everyone’s sailingI might be lost but I don’t know,
The way the winds will blow, I’ll go
And I’ll give it all that i’ve got
Let’s change that state of mind
I will be stronger! I’ve gotta be true to me
Starting from deep in my heart
When the sun comes up again I know
I’m ready to go!
All my work and efforts- they will be remembered.
Can you feel my energy burning up?
I believe in this new feeling.(Rise up whenever you fall! Get up and go!)It is your destinyLoud and clear, it’ll ring, from within.
It’s not easy to find,
but if you search deep inside,
you’ll finally believe!
That’s why we’ll go
Ride the winds, through the sea, you and me
Once again sailing!
I’ll show you every step,
Together we’re sailing!
Promise I won’t laugh!
Show me that you are true to how you feel!
Though it’s hard, just take a breath.
Promise you will try!
All that’s important is you wanna show that passion everyday.All of us sailing! (hi hi!)
beginners sailing! (hi hi!)
everyone’s sailing! (hi hi!)
beginners sailing! (hi hi!)
All of us sailing! (hi hi!)
beginners sailing! (hi hi!)
everyone’s sailing! (hi hi!)
Now, everybody come with me! Let’s go!
Ah, dreaming with everyone! Ah~

New Winding Road

Each time you close you your eyes
You’ll hear, these sweet words,
like music in your mind
I’m thinking of you with all of my heart,
I’m reaching for you although we’re apart
Can we go back to that time?
Although it has not changed,
the sun doesn’t feel the same
It’s light seemed much brighter then,
before it carried me away
I know it might be too late,
to say the words I need to say
It won’t be now but I will tell you someday
Until then, let us live happily,
and hope we’ll meet again here
May all our feelings and memories
connect us while we’re apart, ah!
I will try my best, ‘cause I know,
you will do the same, let’s both show
Though it’s rough, our love
can survive the distance when we’re alone
No matter how far we goOur dreams keep us connected you and I
We share the sky, and if we both look up,
we’ll see the same light
Just keep pushing forwards,
Tomorrow brings us a brand new day
Though I may not know where this road will lead
I trust that it will guide my way

Yume de Yozora o Terashitai
Sky of Lights and Dreams

I feel like I am the only one who feels this way
But it isn’t true, because me and you
both have feelings hidden out of sight
I will try to listen to what my heart has to say
As we try to reach for the special dreams
Everyone must feel inside
Stars reflecting on the waves,
Look how beautiful they shine,
They remind me of far away ideals
If you believe,
I’ve heard it’s said your wish will come true,
And the way towards what you’re reaching for,
It will be revealed.
There might be stairs you must climb,
A hidden door you must find.
Two dreams are never the same,
Because they are all one of a kind
So let’s reach out and hold hands,
Make a connection tonight.
Like stars we’ll shine,
as we fill the sky with light!
Our wish, Our wish,
Is to never forget,
The sights we’ve seen to bring us here,
Which have made us who we are
Our dream, Our dream,
Is to never erase,
All of our precious memories,
They have helped us come this far
Will there be stairs we have to climb?
Or a door we’ll have to find?
Well whichever it turns out to be I know we,
We’ll be happy to be chasing all of our dreams!La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

in this unstable world

Dark or white? (x7)
Dark or white? (x8)
Mankind’s existence isn’t limited
to single mortal bodies
(white wing, black wing)
The me from yesterday is gone,
and my opinions keep evolving
Ever changing
No means yes sometimes, yes means no
Which is which today? I don’t know
You see, though I’m still me,
there’s many forms, you’ve yet to meet
If you want to cross the world
you’re gonna have to take a leap
Together we’ll be strong enough to see it through
You see, me and you and me,
we’ve got the power to succeed
And soon our miracle is bound to ground you
Till then, be patient dear,
Until the time is right,
For now we’re stuck right here,
but we will win this fight
Because it’s destiny,
for the two of us to meet
As we will break free from this Unstable World!

One more sunshine story

So many dreams
Left to explore
I hear them knock-knock-knock on my heart’s door
I’m ready, to let them in,
and hope that they’ll come true
A brand new world
For you and me
So let us dance dance dance to our heartbeat
Excitement, is guiding me,
a heart-felt harmony
I’ve always longed for the day,
when I would shine like the sun
I will never give up, I’ll grow stronger
“I wanna shine the way I do in my dreams!”One more story,
My very own story!
I’ll chase it till the sun goes down
Ah, I couldn’t stop smiling if I tried!
One more story,
My very own story!
Though the future’s still unclear for now
Ah, my hearts beating fast and taking flight
So let us go!

Pianoforte Monologue

An arrangement of sounds
Born from my emotions
Taking shape in my heart
They’re imperfect and they’re flawed
But looking past that
They are gentle like a harmony
Like a brand new dream
I am pressing the keys
As my tears form this concerto
All this time I’ve been wide awake but
Deep inside me all my passion slumbers
“Hey, won’t you wake up?”
In a memory
I still hear you as you’re calling out to me
Don’t be afraid, it’s okay
Even when I’m miles away
Play our song, you won’t be as lonely
Although the keys can’t hold me
I’ll never be alone
Let’s the music guide us
It’ll reunite us
That is why I will try to
Live without regrets
And fearlessly I’ll play,
Growing stronger everyday!

Red Gem Wink

Hey please let me know
What you’d like to do,
Where you want to go
Cause if it’s okay with you
I’m coming too!
I’ve practiced for days
All these things that I want to say
But it’s impossible
I’m way too shy to face you
I wonder what I’d be like
(My summer time!)
If I could boldly speak my mind
(Please love me!)
Cause nothing will change if I- (Ah~)
If I sit around and wait,
I should ask you on a date
I’m begging please,
Notice me
Oh baby, love!
You and me
Shine just like the stars and moon above
I’m yearning to explore with you,
This ever growing feeling
It’s passion, love!
I believe
You’re the one that holds the blame
Each time you say my name
There’s so much that I want to say to you
But I never do!

Jimo Ai ♡ Mantan ☆ Summer Life
Local love-filled summer life

I wonder what’s beyond
Our horizon and the sea
Our path
It seems to stretch out endlessly
I’m not quite sure what lies ahead
But I start to get the feeling that
If we stick around
We’re bound to have the most amazing time
It may not look like much
But this small town by the sea
It’s home
The ocean’s here to watch over me
It has watched me grow and watched me play
It has taught me I will be okay
‘Cause when I’m sad
The waves will wash my worries away
Even though it’s cold, the water feels great,
The morning breeze won’t bother me ‘cause
Fish will swim around and come out to play,
It seems a little strange
But it is fun, don’t you agree?
Let’s spend our summer here,
Together on our hometown beach
There is no need
To travel far
‘cause everyday with you’s a holiday
Everyone deserves a day
To play and just let go, so join me and we’ll escape
To take a break
Lay down and listen to the waves
As we chat,
Down by the beach,
Sand between our toes as the waves lap at our feet
Diving deep into our hometown summer life!
As the sky,
Is looking bright,
I will close my eyes as I’m bathing in the light,
Dip into our local love-filled summer life!

Awaken The Power

Awaken The Power

All good things come to an end,
that’s why I never look ahead
I would rather focus on right now instead
I’m aware that things will change,
it’s something I will have to face
Things might seem uncertain but I will be brave
Anywhere, Anywhere,
we could go anywhere from here
Come on! Awaken the power, yeah!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
I will try to speak my mind
to capture how I feel inside
But I find that words alone will not suffice
All these strong emotions overwhelming me,
and when I speak
Do not be alarmed, ‘cause I might start to cry
I’ve vowed to always give my all!
(Don’t stop! Never give up!)
I’ll get up every time I fall
(Don’t stop! Never give up!)
I won’t know my strengths
until I’ve put them to the test
I can feel a power waking up inside of me
and it feels like a dream!
(Go! Go! My power, new power yeah!)
Let us all explore! (Hi hi hi!)
The power deep within (hi hi hi!)
It’s hidden in your core,
Your dreams are shining on,
and they will guide you
Let us all explore! (hi hi hi!)
The power deep within (hi hi hi!)
Allowing me to make a choice,
to share my voice and ask myself to
(wake up my new power)
I feel there’s a strength in me,
It’s ready to be released
(Stand up now)
Creating the miracle we seek;
Where do we where do we,
Where do we go from here?
Suddenly I realize,
the happy tears that I have cried
Washed away the sorrows that I held inside
(Let’s be happy!)
Things that used to worry me,
now seem so small and out of reach
People say I’ve grown, now I know what it means
It’s time to be strong!
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Fighting, Fighting, Hi!
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Fighting, Fighting!
We said we’d always give our all!
(Don’t stop! Never give up!)
I’ll help you up each time you fall!
(Don’t stop! Never give up!)
If at first we fail, we will try even harder still!
Changing our future - changing our destiny
and it feels - like a dream!
(Go! Go! My power, fighting fighting!
new power yeah!)
Let us all explore! (Hi hi hi!)
The power deep within (hi hi hi!)
It’s hidden in your core,
Your dreams are shining on,
and they will guide you
Let us all explore! (hi hi hi!)
The power deep within (hi hi hi!)
Allowing me to make a choice,
to share my voice and ask myself to
(wake up my new power)
I feel there’s a strength in me,
It’s ready to be released
(Stand up now)
Creating the miracle we seek;
Where do we where do we,
Where do we go from here?
My Power, New power,
Within the depths of our very soul
My power, new power,
To reach new worlds with it is our goal
Wake up, wake up my new world